Source code for dgenies.lib.job_manager

from dgenies import MODE, DEBUG

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import time
import threading
import re
from dgenies.config_reader import AppConfigReader
from import Tools
import dgenies.lib.validators as validators
import dgenies.lib.parsers as parsers
from .fasta import Fasta
from .functions import Functions
import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.error import URLError
from jinja2 import Template
import traceback
from pathlib import Path
from urllib import request, parse
import tarfile
from dgenies.bin.split_fa import Splitter
from dgenies.bin.index import index_file, Index
from dgenies.bin.filter_contigs import Filter
from dgenies.bin.merge_splitted_chrms import Merger
from dgenies.bin.sort_paf import Sorter
from dgenies.lib.paf import Paf
import gzip
import io
import binascii
from dgenies.database import Job

if MODE == "webserver":
    from dgenies.database import Session, Gallery
    from peewee import DoesNotExist

[docs]class JobManager: """ Jobs management """ def __init__(self, id_job, email=None, query: Fasta=None, target: Fasta=None, mailer=None, tool="minimap2", align: Fasta=None, backup: Fasta=None, options=None): """ :param id_job: job id :type id_job: str :param email: email from user :type email: str :param query: query fasta :type query: Fasta :param target: target fasta :type target: Fasta :param mailer: mailer object (to send mail throw flask app) :type mailer: Mailer :param tool: tool to use for mapping (choice from tools config) :type tool: str :param align: alignment file (PAF, MAF, ...) as a fasta object :type align: Fasta :param backup: backup TAR file :type backup: Fasta :param options: list of str containing options for the chosen tool :type options: list """ self.id_job = id_job = email self.query = query = target self.align = align if align is not None: self.aln_format = os.path.splitext(align.get_path())[1][1:] self.backup = backup self.error = "" self.id_process = "-1" # Get configs: self.config = AppConfigReader() = Tools().tools self.tool =[tool] if tool is not None else None self.tool_name = tool self.options = options if tool is not None or options is not None else None # Outputs: self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.config.app_data, id_job) self.preptime_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "prep_times") self.query_index_split = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "query_split.idx") self.paf = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "map.paf") self.paf_raw = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "map_raw.paf") self.idx_q = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "query.idx") self.idx_t = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "target.idx") self.logs = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "logs.txt") self.mailer = mailer self._filename_for_url = {}
[docs] def do_align(self): """ Check if we have to make alignment :return: True if the job is launched with an alignment file """ return not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".align"))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_gz_file(filepath): """ Check if a file is gzipped :param filepath: file to check :type filepath: str :return: True if gzipped, else False """ with open(filepath, 'rb') as test_f: return binascii.hexlify( == b'1f8b'
[docs] def get_file_size(self, filepath: str): """ Get file size :param filepath: file path :type filepath: str :return: file size (bytes) :rtype: int """ file_size = os.path.getsize(filepath) if filepath.endswith(".gz") and file_size <= self.config.max_upload_size: with, 'rb') as file_obj: file_size =, io.SEEK_END) return file_size
[docs] def get_query_split(self): """ Get query split fasta file :return: split query fasta file :rtype: str """ if not self.tool.split_before: return self.query.get_path() query_split = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "split_" + os.path.basename(self.query.get_path())) if query_split.endswith(".gz"): return query_split[:-3] return query_split
[docs] def set_inputs_from_res_dir(self): """ Sets inputs (query, target, ...) from job dir """ res_dir = os.path.join(self.config.app_data, self.id_job) query_file = os.path.join(res_dir, ".query") if os.path.exists(query_file): with open(query_file) as q_f: file_path = q_f.readline() self.query = Fasta( name="target" if file_path.endswith(".idx") else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path.replace(".gz", "")).split("_", 1)[1])[0], path=file_path, type_f="local" ) target_file = os.path.join(res_dir, ".target") if os.path.exists(target_file): with open(target_file) as t_f: file_path = t_f.readline() = Fasta( name="query" if file_path.endswith(".idx") else os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path.replace(".gz", "")).split("_", 1)[1])[0], path=file_path, type_f="local" ) align_file = os.path.join(res_dir, ".align") if os.path.exists(align_file): with open(align_file) as a_f: file_path = a_f.readline() self.align = Fasta( name="map", path=file_path, type_f="local" ) self.aln_format = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:]
[docs] def check_job_success(self): """ Check if a job succeed :return: status of a job: succeed, no-match or fail :rtype: str """ if os.path.exists(self.paf_raw): if os.path.getsize(self.paf_raw) > 0: return "succeed" else: return "no-match" return "fail"
[docs] def is_query_filtered(self): """ Check if query has been filtered :return: True if filtered, else False """ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".filter-query"))
[docs] def is_target_filtered(self): """ Check if target has been filtered :return: True if filtered, else False :return: """ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".filter-target"))
[docs] def get_mail_content(self, status, target_name, query_name=None): """ Build mail content for status mail :param status: job status :type status: str :param target_name: name of target :type target_name: str :param query_name: name of query :type query_name: str :return: mail content :rtype: str """ message = "D-Genies\n\n" if status == "success": message += "Your job %s was completed successfully!\n\n" % self.id_job message += str("Your job {0} is finished. You can see the results by clicking on the link below:\n" "{1}/result/{0}\n\n").format(self.id_job, self.config.web_url) else: message += "Your job %s has failed!\n\n" % self.id_job if self.error != "": message += self.error.replace("#ID#", self.id_job).replace("<br/>", "\n") message += "\n\n" else: message += "Your job %s has failed. You can try again. " \ "If the problem persists, please contact the support.\n\n" % self.id_job if target_name is not None: message += "Sequences compared in this analysis:\n" if query_name is not None: message += "Target: %s\nQuery: %s\n\n" % (target_name, query_name) else: message += "Target: %s\n\n" % target_name if status == "success": if self.is_target_filtered(): message += str("Note: target fasta has been filtered because it contains too small contigs." "To see which contigs has been removed from the analysis, click on the link below:\n" "{1}/filter-out/{0}/target\n\n").format(self.id_job, self.config.web_url) if self.is_query_filtered(): message += str("Note: query fasta has been filtered because it contains too small contigs." "To see which contigs has been removed from the analysis, click on the link below:\n" "{1}/filter-out/{0}/query\n\n").format(self.id_job, self.config.web_url) message += "See you soon on D-Genies,\n" message += "The team" return message
[docs] def get_mail_content_html(self, status, target_name, query_name=None): """ Build mail content as HTML :param status: job status :type status: str :param target_name: name of target :type target_name: str :param query_name: name of query :type query_name: str :return: mail content (html) :rtype: str """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "mail_templates", "job_notification.html"))\ as t_file: template = Template( return template.render(job_name=self.id_job, status=status, url_base=self.config.web_url, query_name=query_name if query_name is not None else "", target_name=target_name if target_name is not None else "", error=self.error, target_filtered=self.is_target_filtered(), query_filtered=self.is_query_filtered())
[docs] def get_mail_subject(self, status): """ Build mail subject :param status: job status :type status: str :return: mail subject :rtype: str """ if status == "success" or status == "no-match": return "DGenies - Job completed: %s" % self.id_job else: return "DGenies - Job failed: %s" % self.id_job
[docs] def send_mail(self): """ Send mail """ # Retrieve infos: with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) if is None: = status = job.status self.error = job.error target_name = None if os.path.exists(self.idx_t): with open(self.idx_t, "r") as idxt: target_name = idxt.readline().rstrip() query_name = None if os.path.exists(self.idx_q): with open(self.idx_q, "r") as idxq: query_name = idxq.readline().rstrip() if query_name == target_name: query_name = None # Send: self.mailer.send_mail(recipients=[], subject=self.get_mail_subject(status), message=self.get_mail_content(status, target_name, query_name), message_html=self.get_mail_content_html(status, target_name, query_name))
[docs] def search_error(self): """ Search for an error in the log file (for local runs). If no error found, returns a generic error message :return: error message to give to the user :rtype: str """ logs = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "logs.txt") if os.path.exists(logs) and == 'posix': lines = subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-2', logs]).decode("utf-8").split("\n") if re.match(r"\[morecore] \d+ bytes requested but not available.", lines[1]) or \ re.match(r"\[morecore] \d+ bytes requested but not available.", lines[1]) or \ re.match(r"\[morecore] insufficient memory", lines[0]) or \ re.match(r"\[morecore] insufficient memory", lines[1]): return "Your job #ID# has failed because of memory limit exceeded. May be your sequences are too big?" \ "<br/>You can contact the support for more information." return "Your job #ID# has failed. You can try again.<br/>If the problem persists, please contact the support."
def _launch_local(self): """ Launch a job on the current machine :return: True if job succeed, else False :rtype: bool """ if MODE == "webserver": cmd = ["/usr/bin/time", "-f", "%e %M"] else: cmd = [] if self.query is not None: command_line = self.tool.command_line.replace("{query}", self.query.get_path()) else: command_line = self.tool.all_vs_all out_file = None if ">" in command_line: out_file = self.paf_raw command_line = command_line[:command_line.index(">")] command_line = command_line.replace("{exe}", self.tool.exec) \ .replace("{target}", \ .replace("{threads}", str(self.tool.threads)) \ .replace("{options}", self.options) \ .replace("{out}", self.paf_raw) cmd += command_line.split(" ") if out_file is None: with open(self.logs, "w") as logs: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=logs, stderr=logs) else: with open(self.logs, "w") as logs, open(out_file, "w") as out: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=logs) with Job.connect(): status = "started" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.id_process = job.status = status else: job = None self.set_status_standalone(status) p.wait() if p.returncode == 0: status = self.check_job_success() if MODE == "webserver": job.status = status else: self.set_status_standalone(status) if status == "no-match": self._set_analytics_job_status("no-match") return status == "succeed" self.error = self.search_error() status = "fail" if MODE == "webserver": job.status = status job.error = self.error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, self.error) return False
[docs] def check_job_status_slurm(self): """ Check status of a SLURM job run :return: True if the job has successfully ended, else False """ status = subprocess.check_output("sacct -p -n --format=state,maxvmsize,elapsed -j %s.batch" % self.id_process, shell=True).decode("utf-8").strip("\n") status = status.split("|") success = status[0] == "COMPLETED" if success: mem_peak = int(status[1][:-1]) # Remove the K letter elapsed_full = list(map(int, status[2].split(":"))) elapsed = elapsed_full[0] * 3600 + elapsed_full[1] * 60 + elapsed_full[2] with open(self.logs, "a") as logs: logs.write("%s %d" % (elapsed, mem_peak)) return success
[docs] def check_job_status_sge(self): """ Check status of a SGE job run :return: True if the job jas successfully ended, else False """ status = "-1" start = None end = None mem_peak = None acct = subprocess.check_output("qacct -d 1 -j %s" % self.id_process, shell=True).decode("utf-8") lines = acct.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.startswith("failed"): status = re.split(r"\s+", line, 1)[1] elif line.startswith("start_time"): start = datetime.strptime(re.split(r"\s+", line, 1)[1], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") elif line.startswith("end_time"): end = datetime.strptime(re.split(r"\s+", line, 1)[1], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") elif line.startswith("maxvmem"): mem_peak = re.split(r"\s+", line, 1)[1] if mem_peak.endswith("G"): mem_peak = int(mem_peak[-1]) * 1024 * 1024 elif mem_peak.endswith("M"): mem_peak = int(mem_peak[-1]) * 1024 if status == "0": if start is not None and end is not None and mem_peak is not None: elapsed = end - start elapsed = elapsed.seconds with open(self.logs, "a") as logs: logs.write("%s %d" % (elapsed, mem_peak)) return status == "0"
[docs] def update_job_status(self, status, id_process=None): """ Update job status :param status: new status :param id_process: system process id """ if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status if id_process is not None: job.id_process = id_process else: self.set_status_standalone(status)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_error_in_log(log_file): """ Find error in log (for cluster run) :param log_file: log file of the job :return: error (empty if no error) :rtype: str """ error = "" with open(log_file, "r") as log: for line in log: if line.startswith("###ERR### "): error = line[10:].rstrip() break return error
[docs] def launch_to_cluster(self, step, batch_system_type, command, args, log_out, log_err): """ Launch a program to the cluster :param step: step (prepare, start) :type step: str :param batch_system_type: slurm or sge :type batch_system_type: str :param command: program to launch (without arguments) :type command: str :param args: arguments to use for the program :type args: list :param log_out: log file for stdout :type log_out: str :param log_err: log file for stderr :type log_err: str :return: True if succeed, else False :rtype: bool """ import drmaa from dgenies.lib.drmaasession import DrmaaSession drmaa_session = DrmaaSession() s = drmaa_session.session jt = s.createJobTemplate() jt.remoteCommand = command jt.args = args jt.jobName = "_".join([step[:2], self.id_job]) if log_out == log_err: jt.joinFiles = True jt.outputPath = ":" + log_out else: jt.joinFiles = False jt.outputPath = ":" + log_out jt.errorPath = ":" + log_err if step == "start": memory = self.config.cluster_memory if self.query is None: memory = self.config.cluster_memory_ava if memory > 32: name, order, contigs, reversed_c, abs_start, c_len = Index.load(self.idx_t, False) if c_len <= 500000000: memory = 32 if memory > self.tool.max_memory: memory = self.tool.max_memory else: memory = 8000 native_specs = self.config.drmaa_native_specs if batch_system_type == "slurm": if native_specs == "###DEFAULT###": native_specs = "--mem-per-cpu={0} --mincpus={1} --time={2}" if step == "prepare": jt.nativeSpecification = native_specs.format(memory, 1, "02:00:00") elif step == "start": jt.nativeSpecification = native_specs.format(memory // self.tool.threads_cluster * 1000, self.tool.threads_cluster, "02:00:00") elif batch_system_type == "sge": if native_specs == "###DEFAULT###": native_specs = "-l mem={0},h_vmem={0} -pe parallel_smp {1}" if step == "prepare": jt.nativeSpecification = native_specs.format(8000, 1) elif step == "start": jt.nativeSpecification = native_specs.format( memory // self.tool.threads_cluster * 1000, self.tool.threads_cluster) jt.workingDirectory = self.output_dir jobid = s.runJob(jt) self.id_process = jobid self.update_job_status("scheduled-cluster" if step == "start" else "prepare-scheduled", jobid) retval = s.wait(jobid, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER) if retval.hasExited and (self.check_job_status_slurm() if batch_system_type == "slurm" else self.check_job_status_sge()): if step == "start": status = self.check_job_success() if status == "no-match": self._set_analytics_job_status("no-match") else: status = "prepared" # job = Job.get(id_job=self.id_job) # job.status = status # db.commit() self.update_job_status(status) s.deleteJobTemplate(jt) return status == "succeed" or status == "prepared" error = self.find_error_in_log(log_err) if step == "prepare": error += "<br/>Please check your input file and try again." self.set_job_status("fail", error) s.deleteJobTemplate(jt) return False
def _launch_drmaa(self, batch_system_type): """ Launch the mapping step to a cluster :param batch_system_type: slurm or sge :return: True if job succeed, else False """ if self.query is not None: args = re.sub("{exe}\s?", "", self.tool.command_line).replace("{query}", self.get_query_split()) else: args = re.sub("{exe}\s?", "", self.tool.all_vs_all) out_file = self.logs if ">" in args: out_file = self.paf_raw args = args[:args.index(">")] args = args.replace("{target}", \ .replace("{threads}", str(self.tool.threads_cluster)) \ .replace("{options}", self.options) \ .replace("{out}", self.paf_raw) args = args.split(" ") return self.launch_to_cluster(step="start", batch_system_type=batch_system_type, command=self.tool.exec, args=args, log_out=out_file, log_err=self.logs) def _getting_local_file(self, fasta, type_f): """ Copy temp file to its final location :param fasta: fasta file Object :type fasta: Fasta :param type_f: query or target :type type_f: str :return: final full path of the file :rtype: str """ finale_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, type_f + "_" + os.path.basename(fasta.get_path())) if fasta.is_example(): shutil.copy(fasta.get_path(), finale_path) else: if os.path.exists(fasta.get_path()): shutil.move(fasta.get_path(), finale_path) else: other_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, ("query" if type_f == "target" else "query") + "_" + os.path.basename(fasta.get_path())) if os.path.exists(other_file): shutil.copy(other_file, finale_path) else: raise Exception("Unable to copy %s file from temp to finale path: %s file does not exists" % (type_f, fasta.get_path())) with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "." + type_f), "w") as save_file: save_file.write(finale_path) return finale_path def _get_filename_from_url(self, url): """ Retrieve filename from an URL (http or ftp) :param url: url of the file to download :type url: str :return: filename :rtype: str """ if url not in self._filename_for_url: if url.startswith("ftp://"): self._filename_for_url[url] = url.split("/")[-1] elif url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://"): self._filename_for_url[url] = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True).url.split("/")[-1] else: return None return self._filename_for_url[url] def _download_file(self, url): """ Download a file from an URL :param url: url of the file to download :type url: str :return: absolute path of the downloaded file :rtype: str """ local_filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self._get_filename_from_url(url)) # NOTE the stream=True parameter if url.startswith("ftp://"): urlretrieve(url, local_filename) else: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) # f.flush() commented by recommendation from J.F.Sebastian return local_filename def _getting_file_from_url(self, fasta, type_f): """ Download file from URL :param fasta: Fasta object describing the input file :type fasta: Fasta :param type_f: type of the file (query or target) :type type_f: str :return: * [0] True if no error happened, else False * [1] If an error happened, True if the error was saved for the job, else False (will be saved later) * [2] Finale path of the downloaded file {str} * [3] Name of the downloaded file {str} :rtype: tuple """ try: dl_path = self._download_file(fasta.get_path()) except (ConnectionError, URLError): status = "fail" error = "<p>Url <b>%s</b> is not valid!</p>" \ "<p>If this is unattended, please contact the support.</p>" % fasta.get_path() if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) return False, True, None, None filename = os.path.basename(dl_path) name = os.path.splitext(filename.replace(".gz", ""))[0] finale_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, type_f + "_" + filename) shutil.move(dl_path, finale_path) with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "." + type_f), "w") as save_file: save_file.write(finale_path) return True, False, finale_path, name def _check_url(self, fasta, formats): """ Check if an URL is valid, and if the file is valid too :param fasta: fasta file object :type fasta: Fasta :param formats: allowed file formats :type formats: tuple :return: True if URL and file are valid, else False :rtype: bool """ url = fasta.get_path() try: filename = self._get_filename_from_url(url) except (ConnectionError, URLError): status = "fail" error = "<p>Url <b>%s</b> is not valid!</p>" \ "<p>If this is unattended, please contact the support.</p>" % fasta.get_path() if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) return False if filename is not None: allowed = Functions.allowed_file(filename, formats) if not allowed: status = "fail" format_txt = "" if len(formats) == 1: if formats[0] == "fasta": format_txt = "a Fasta file" elif formats[0] == "idx": format_txt = "an index file" elif formats[0] == "map": format_txt = "an alignment file" elif formats[0] == "backup": format_txt = "a backup file" else: format_txt = "a valid file" else: if "fasta" in formats and "idx" in formats: format_txt = "a Fasta file or an index file" else: format_txt = "a valid file" error = "<p>File <b>%s</b> downloaded from <b>%s</b> is not %s!</p>" \ "<p>If this is unattended, please contact the support.</p>" % (filename, url, format_txt) if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) else: allowed = False status = "fail" error = "<p>Url <b>%s</b> is not a valid URL!</p>" \ "<p>If this is unattended, please contact the support.</p>" % url if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) return allowed
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove job dir """ shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pending_local_number(): """ Get number of of jobs running or waiting for a run :return: number of jobs :rtype: int """ if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): return len( == "local") & (Job.status != "success") & (Job.status != "fail") & (Job.status != "no-match"))) else: return 0
[docs] def set_job_status(self, status, error=""): """ Change status of a job :param status: new job status :type status: str :param error: error description (if any) :type error: str """ if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error)
[docs] def check_file(self, input_type, should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable): """ Check if file is correct: format, size, valid gzip :param input_type: query or target :param should_be_local: True if job should be treated locally :param max_upload_size_readable: max upload size human readable :return: (True if correct, True if error set [for fail], True if should be local) """ if input_type == "target" and self.query is None: max_upload_size_readable = self.config.max_upload_size_ava / 1024 / 1024 with Job.connect(): my_input = getattr(self, input_type) if my_input.get_path().endswith(".gz") and not self.is_gz_file(my_input.get_path()): # Check file is correctly gzipped self.set_job_status("fail", input_type + " file is not a correct gzip file") self.clear() return False, True, None # Check size: file_size = self.get_file_size(my_input.get_path()) if -1 < (self.config.max_upload_size if (input_type == "query" or self.query is not None) else self.config.max_upload_size_ava) < file_size: self.set_job_status("fail", input_type + " file exceed size limit of %d Mb (uncompressed)" % max_upload_size_readable) self.clear() return False, True, None if input_type == "align": if not hasattr(validators, self.aln_format): self.set_job_status("fail", "Alignment file format not supported") return False, True, None if not getattr(validators, self.aln_format)(self.align.get_path()): self.set_job_status("fail", "Alignment file is invalid. Please check your file.") return False, True, None elif input_type != "backup": if my_input.get_path().endswith(".idx"): if not validators.v_idx(my_input.get_path()): self.set_job_status("fail", "%s index file is invalid. Please check your file." % input_type.capitalize()) return False, True, None if self.config.batch_system_type != "local" and file_size >= getattr(self.config, "min_%s_size" % input_type): should_be_local = False return True, False, should_be_local
[docs] def download_files_with_pending(self, files_to_download, should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable): """ Download files from URLs, with pending (according to the max number of concurrent downloads) :param files_to_download: files to download. For each item of the list, it's a list with 2 elements: first one is the Fasta object, second one the input type (query or target) :type files_to_download: list of list :param should_be_local: True if the job should be run locally (according to input file sizes), else False :type should_be_local: bool :param max_upload_size_readable: Human readable max upload size (to show on errors) :type max_upload_size_readable: str """ with Job.connect(): status = "getfiles-waiting" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status # Create a session: s_id = session = Session.get(s_id=s_id) else: status = "getfiles" session = None job = None s_id = None try: correct = True error_set = False if MODE == "webserver": allowed = session.ask_for_upload(True) else: allowed = True while not allowed: time.sleep(15) session = Session.get(s_id=s_id) allowed = session.ask_for_upload(False) if allowed: if MODE == "webserver": job.status = "getfiles" for file, input_type in files_to_download: correct, error_set, finale_path, filename = self._getting_file_from_url(file, input_type) if not correct: break my_input = getattr(self, input_type) my_input.set_path(finale_path) my_input.set_name(filename) correct, error_set, should_be_local = self.check_file(input_type, should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable) if not correct: break if correct and MODE == "webserver" and job.batch_type != "local" and should_be_local \ and self.get_pending_local_number() < self.config.max_run_local: job.batch_type = "local" else: correct = False except: # Except all possible exceptions traceback.print_exc() correct = False error_set = False if MODE == "webserver": session.delete_instance() self._after_start(correct, error_set)
[docs] def getting_files(self): """ Get files for the job :return: * [0] True if getting files succeed, False else * [1] If error happenned, True if error already saved for the job, False else (error will be saved later) * [2] True if no data must be downloaded (will be downloaded with pending if True) :rtype: tuple """ with Job.connect(): status = "getfiles" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status else: job = None self.set_status_standalone(status) correct = True error_set = False should_be_local = True max_upload_size_readable = self.config.max_upload_size / 1024 / 1024 # Set it in Mb files_to_download = [] if self.query is not None: if self.query.get_type() == "local": self.query.set_path(self._getting_local_file(self.query, "query")) correct, error_set, should_be_local = self.check_file("query", should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable) if not correct: return False, error_set, True elif self._check_url(self.query, ("fasta",) if self.align is None else ("fasta", "idx")): files_to_download.append([self.query, "query"]) else: return False, True, True if correct and is not None: if == "local":, "target")) correct, error_set, should_be_local = self.check_file("target", should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable) if not correct: return False, error_set, True elif self._check_url(, ("fasta",) if self.align is None else ("fasta", "idx")): files_to_download.append([, "target"]) else: return False, True, True if correct and self.align is not None: if self.align.get_type() == "local": self.align.set_path(self._getting_local_file(self.align, "align")) correct, error_set, should_be_local = self.check_file("align", should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable) elif self._check_url(self.align, ("map",)): files_to_download.append([self.align, "align"]) else: return False, True, True if correct and self.backup is not None: if self.backup.get_type() == "local": self.backup.set_path(self._getting_local_file(self.backup, "backup")) correct, error_set, should_be_local = self.check_file("backup", should_be_local, max_upload_size_readable) elif self._check_url(self.backup, ("backup",)): files_to_download.append([self.backup, "backup"]) else: return False, True, True all_downloaded = True if correct: if len(files_to_download) > 0: all_downloaded = False thread = threading.Timer(0, self.download_files_with_pending, kwargs={"files_to_download": files_to_download, "should_be_local": should_be_local, "max_upload_size_readable": max_upload_size_readable}) thread.start() # Start the execution elif correct and MODE == "webserver" and job.batch_type != "local" and should_be_local \ and self.get_pending_local_number() < self.config.max_run_local: job.batch_type = "local" return correct, error_set, all_downloaded
[docs] def send_mail_post(self): """ Send mail using POST url (if there is no access to mailer) """ key = Functions.random_string(15) key_file = os.path.join(self.config.app_data, self.id_job, ".key") with open(key_file, "w") as k_f: k_f.write(key) data = parse.urlencode({"key": key}).encode() req = request.Request(self.config.web_url + "/send-mail/" + self.id_job, data=data) resp = request.urlopen(req) if resp.getcode() != 200: print("Job %s: Send mail failed!" % self.id_job)
[docs] def run_job_in_thread(self, batch_system_type="local"): """ Run a job asynchronously into a new thread :param batch_system_type: slurm or sge :type batch_system_type: str """ thread = threading.Timer(1, self.run_job, kwargs={"batch_system_type": batch_system_type}) thread.start() # Start the execution
[docs] def prepare_data_in_thread(self): """ Prepare data in a new thread """ thread = threading.Timer(1, self.prepare_data) thread.start() # Start the execution
[docs] def prepare_data_cluster(self, batch_system_type): """ Launch of prepare data on a cluster :param batch_system_type: slurm or sge :type batch_system_type: str :return: True if succeed, else False :rtype: bool """ args = [self.config.cluster_prepare_script, "-t",, "-m",, "-p", self.preptime_file] if self.query is not None: args += ["-q", self.query.get_path(), "-u", self.get_query_split(), "-n", self.query.get_name()] if self.tool.split_before: args.append("--split") success = self.launch_to_cluster(step="prepare", batch_system_type=batch_system_type, command=self.config.cluster_python_exec, args=args, log_out=self.logs, log_err=self.logs) if not success and MODE == "webserver" and self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() return success
[docs] def prepare_data_local(self): """ Prepare data locally. On standalone mode, launch job after, if success. :return: True if job succeed, else False :rtype: bool """ with open(self.preptime_file, "w") as ptime, Job.connect(): self.set_job_status("preparing") ptime.write(str(round(time.time())) + "\n") error_tail = "Please check your input file and try again." if self.query is not None: fasta_in = self.query.get_path() if self.tool.split_before: split = True splitter = Splitter(input_f=fasta_in, name_f=self.query.get_name(), output_f=self.get_query_split(), query_index=self.query_index_split, debug=DEBUG) success, error = splitter.split() nb_contigs = splitter.nb_contigs in_fasta = self.get_query_split() else: split = False uncompressed = None if self.query.get_path().endswith(".gz"): uncompressed = self.query.get_path()[:-3] success, nb_contigs, error = index_file(self.query.get_path(), self.query.get_name(), self.idx_q, uncompressed) in_fasta = self.query.get_path() if uncompressed is not None: in_fasta = uncompressed if success: filtered_fasta = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.get_query_split()), "filtered_" + os.path.basename(self.get_query_split())) filter_f = Filter(fasta=in_fasta, index_file=self.query_index_split if split else self.idx_q, type_f="query", min_filtered=round(nb_contigs / 4), split=True, out_fasta=filtered_fasta, replace_fa=True) filter_f.filter() else: self.set_job_status("fail", "<br/>".join(["Query fasta file is not valid:", error, error_tail])) if self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() return False uncompressed = None if".gz"): uncompressed =[:-3] success, nb_contigs, error = index_file(,, self.idx_t, uncompressed) if success: in_fasta = if uncompressed is not None: in_fasta = uncompressed filtered_fasta = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(in_fasta), "filtered_" + os.path.basename(in_fasta)) filter_f = Filter(fasta=in_fasta, index_file=self.idx_t, type_f="target", min_filtered=round(nb_contigs / 4), split=False, out_fasta=filtered_fasta, replace_fa=True) is_filtered = filter_f.filter() if uncompressed is not None: if is_filtered: os.remove( with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".target"), "w") as save_file: save_file.write(uncompressed) else: os.remove(uncompressed) else: if uncompressed is not None: try: os.remove(uncompressed) except FileNotFoundError: pass self.set_job_status("fail", "<br/>".join(["Target fasta file is not valid:", error, error_tail])) if self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() return False ptime.write(str(round(time.time())) + "\n") self.set_job_status("prepared") if MODE != "webserver": self.run_job("local") return True
def _end_of_prepare_dotplot(self): """ Tasks done after preparing dot plot data: parse & sort of alignment file """ # Parse alignment file: if hasattr(parsers, self.aln_format): getattr(parsers, self.aln_format)(self.align.get_path(), self.paf_raw) os.remove(self.align.get_path()) elif self.aln_format == "paf": shutil.move(self.align.get_path(), self.paf_raw) else: self.set_job_status("fail", "No parser found for format %s. Please contact the support." % self.aln_format) return False self.set_job_status("started") # Sort paf lines: sorter = Sorter(self.paf_raw, self.paf) sorter.sort() os.remove(self.paf_raw) if is not None and os.path.exists( and not \".idx"): os.remove( self.align.set_path(self.paf) self.set_job_status("success") if MODE == "webserver" and self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() return True
[docs] def prepare_dotplot_cluster(self, batch_system_type): """ Prepare data if alignment already done: just index the fasta (if index not given), then parse the alignment :param batch_system_type: type of cluster (slurm or sge) :type batch_system_type: str """ args = [self.config.cluster_prepare_script, "-p", self.preptime_file, "--index-only"] has_index = False target_format = os.path.splitext([1][1:] if target_format == "idx": shutil.move(, self.idx_t) os.remove(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".target")) else: has_index = True args += ["-t",, "-m",] if self.query is not None: query_format = os.path.splitext(self.query.get_path())[1][1:] if query_format == "idx": shutil.move(self.query.get_path(), self.idx_q) os.remove(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".query")) else: has_index = True args += ["-q", self.query.get_path(), "-n", self.query.get_name()] success = True if has_index: success = self.launch_to_cluster(step="prepare", batch_system_type=batch_system_type, command=self.config.cluster_python_exec, args=args, log_out=self.logs, log_err=self.logs) if success: if self.query is None: shutil.copy(self.idx_t, self.idx_q) return self._end_of_prepare_dotplot() elif MODE == "webserver" and self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() return False
[docs] def prepare_dotplot_local(self): """ Prepare data if alignment already done: just index the fasta (if index not given), then parse the alignment file and sort it. """ self.set_job_status("preparing") # Prepare target index: target_format = os.path.splitext([1][1:] if target_format == "idx": shutil.move(, self.idx_t) os.remove(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".target")) else: index_file(,, self.idx_t) # Prepare query index: if self.query is not None: query_format = os.path.splitext(self.query.get_path())[1][1:] if query_format == "idx": shutil.move(self.query.get_path(), self.idx_q) os.remove(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".query")) else: index_file(self.query.get_path(), self.query.get_name(), self.idx_q) else: shutil.copy(self.idx_t, self.idx_q) return self._end_of_prepare_dotplot()
[docs] def prepare_data(self): """ Launch preparation of data """ if self.align is None: if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) if job.batch_type == "local": success = self.prepare_data_local() else: success = self.prepare_data_cluster(job.batch_type) if not success: self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-prepare") else: self.prepare_data_local() else: if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) if job.batch_type == "local": success = self.prepare_dotplot_local() else: success = self.prepare_dotplot_cluster(job.batch_type) if success: self._set_analytics_job_status("success") else: self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-all") else: self.prepare_dotplot_local()
[docs] def run_job(self, batch_system_type): """ Run of a job (mapping step) :param batch_system_type: type of cluster (slurm or sge) :type batch_system_type: str """ try: success = False if batch_system_type == "local": success = self._launch_local() elif batch_system_type in ["slurm", "sge"]: success = self._launch_drmaa(batch_system_type) if success: with Job.connect(): if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) with open(self.logs) as logs: measures = logs.readlines()[-1].strip("\n").split(" ") map_elapsed = round(float(measures[0])) job.mem_peak = int(measures[1]) with open(self.preptime_file) as ptime: lines = ptime.readlines() start = int(lines[0].strip("\n")) end = int(lines[1].strip("\n")) prep_elapsed = end - start job.time_elapsed = prep_elapsed + map_elapsed else: job = None status = "merging" if MODE == "webserver": job.status = "merging" else: self.set_status_standalone(status) if self.tool.split_before and self.query is not None: start = time.time() paf_raw = self.paf_raw + ".split" os.remove(self.get_query_split()) merger = Merger(self.paf_raw, paf_raw, self.query_index_split, self.idx_q, debug=DEBUG) merger.merge() os.remove(self.paf_raw) os.remove(self.query_index_split) self.paf_raw = paf_raw end = time.time() if MODE == "webserver": job.time_elapsed += end - start elif self.query is None: shutil.copyfile(self.idx_t, self.idx_q) Path(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".all-vs-all")).touch() if self.tool.parser is not None: paf_raw = self.paf_raw + ".parsed" getattr(parsers, self.tool.parser)(self.paf_raw, paf_raw) os.remove(self.paf_raw) self.paf_raw = paf_raw sorter = Sorter(self.paf_raw, self.paf) sorter.sort() os.remove(self.paf_raw) if is not None and os.path.exists( os.remove( if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".do-sort")): paf = Paf(paf=self.paf, idx_q=self.idx_q, idx_t=self.idx_t, auto_parse=False) paf.sort() if not paf.parsed: success = False status = "fail" error = "Error while sorting query. Please contact us to report the bug" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-sort") else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) if success: status = "success" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = "success" # Analytics: self._set_analytics_job_status("success") if self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail_post() else: self.set_status_standalone(status) elif MODE == "webserver": self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-map") except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() with open(self.logs, 'a') as f: f.write(str(e)) f.write(traceback.format_exc()) self.set_job_status("fail", "Your job has failed for an unexpected reason. Please contact the support if" "the problem persists.") if MODE == "webserver": self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-map-after")
def _anonymize_mail_client(self, email): """ Replace the email address with its group defined in config file if anonymization is enabled :param email: email to anonymize :type email: str :return: email group if anonymization is enabled (empty string if no group matching), email else :rtype: str """ if not self.config.anonymous_analytics: return email for group, pattern in self.config.analytics_groups: if re.match(pattern, email): return group return '' def _save_analytics_data(self): """ Save analytics data into the database """ from dgenies.database import Analytics with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) target_size = os.path.getsize( if ( is not None and == "local" and os.path.exists( else 0 query_size = None if self.query is not None and self.query.get_type() == "local" and os.path.exists(self.query.get_path()): query_size = os.path.getsize(self.query.get_path()) log = Analytics.create( id_job=self.id_job,, target_size=target_size, query_size=query_size, mail_client=self._anonymize_mail_client(, batch_type=job.batch_type, job_type="new" if (self.align is None and self.backup is None) else "plot", tool=self.tool_name if self.tool_name is not None else "unset") def _set_analytics_job_status(self, status): """ Change status for a job in analytics database :param status: new status :type status: str (20) """ if self.config.analytics_enabled and MODE == "webserver": from dgenies.database import Analytics with Job.connect(): analytic = Analytics.get(Analytics.id_job == self.id_job) if analytic.status != "no-match": analytic.status = status
[docs] def unpack_backup(self): """ Untar backup file """ try: with, "r:*") as tar: names = tar.getnames() if len(names) != 3: return False for name in ["map.paf", "query.idx", "target.idx"]: if name not in names: return False tar.extractall(self.output_dir) shutil.move(self.paf, self.paf_raw) if not validators.paf(self.paf_raw): return False target_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "target.idx") query_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "query.idx") if not validators.v_idx(target_path) or not validators.v_idx(query_path): return False self.align = Fasta(name="map", path=self.paf_raw, type_f="local") self.aln_format = "paf" with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".align"), "w") as aln: aln.write(self.paf_raw) = Fasta(name="target", path=target_path, type_f="local") with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".target"), "w") as trgt: trgt.write(target_path) self.query = Fasta(name="query", path=query_path, type_f="local") with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".query"), "w") as qr: qr.write(query_path) os.remove(self.backup.get_path()) return True except: traceback.print_exc() return False
def _after_start(self, success, error_set): """ Tasks done after input files downloaded, checked and parsed: if success, set job status to "waiting". Else, set job error and send mail. :param success: job success :type success: bool :param error_set: error already set (else, set it now) :type error_set: bool """ with Job.connect(): if MODE == "webserver" and self.config.analytics_enabled: self._save_analytics_data() if success: if self.backup is not None: success = self.unpack_backup() if not success: self.set_job_status("fail", "Backup file is not valid. If it is unattended, please contact the " "support.") if MODE == "webserver" and self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail() return False status = "waiting" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status else: self.set_status_standalone(status) self.prepare_data_in_thread() else: self._set_analytics_job_status("fail-getfiles") if not error_set: status = "fail" error = "<p>Error while getting input files. Please contact the support to report the bug.</p>" if MODE == "webserver": job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = status job.error = error else: self.set_status_standalone(status, error) if MODE == "webserver" and self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail()
[docs] def start_job(self): """ Start job: download, check and parse input files """ try: success, error_set, all_downloaded = self.getting_files() if not success or all_downloaded: self._after_start(success, error_set) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() error = "<p>An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact the support to report the bug.</p>" if MODE == "webserver": with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) job.status = "fail" job.error = error if self.config.send_mail_status: self.send_mail() else: self.set_status_standalone("fail", error)
[docs] def launch_standalone(self): """ Launch a job in standalone mode (asynchronously in a new thread) """ if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.mkdir(self.output_dir) self.set_status_standalone("submitted") thread = threading.Timer(1, self.start_job) thread.start()
[docs] def launch(self): """ Launch a job in webserver mode (asynchronously in a new thread) """ with Job.connect(): j1 = == self.id_job) if len(j1) > 0: print("Old job found without result dir existing: delete it from BDD!") for j11 in j1: j11.delete_instance() if is not None or self.backup is not None: job = Job.create(id_job=self.id_job,, batch_type=self.config.batch_system_type,, if self.tool is not None else None, options=self.options) if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.mkdir(self.output_dir) thread = threading.Timer(1, self.start_job) thread.start() else: job = Job.create(id_job=self.id_job,, batch_type=self.config.batch_system_type,, if self.tool is not None else None, options=self.options, status="fail")
[docs] def set_status_standalone(self, status, error=""): """ Change job status in standalone mode :param status: new status :type status: str :param error: error description (if any) :type error: str """ status_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".status") with open(status_file, "w") as s_file: s_file.write("|".join([status, error]))
[docs] def get_status_standalone(self, with_error=False): """ Get job status in standalone mode :param with_error: get also the error :return: status (and error, if with_error=True) :rtype: str or tuple (if with_error=True) """ status_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, ".status") with open(status_file, "r") as s_file: items ="\n").split("|") if with_error: return items return items[0]
[docs] def status(self): """ Get job status and error. In webserver mode, get also mem peak and time elapsed :return: status and other information :rtype: dict """ if MODE == "webserver": try: with Job.connect(): job = Job.get(Job.id_job == self.id_job) return {"status": job.status, "mem_peak": job.mem_peak, "time_elapsed": job.time_elapsed, "error": job.error} except DoesNotExist: return {"status": "unknown", "error": ""} else: try: status, error = self.get_status_standalone(True) return {"status": status, "mem_peak": None, "time_elapsed": None, "error": error} except FileNotFoundError: return {"status": "unknown", "error": ""}
[docs] def delete(self): """ Remove a job :return: * [0] Success of the deletion * [1] Error message, if any (else empty string) :rtype: (bool, str) """ if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir) or not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): return False, "Job does not exists" if MODE == "webserver": try: job = Job.get(id_job=self.id_job) except DoesNotExist: pass else: is_gallery = == job) if is_gallery: return False, "Delete a job that is in gallery is forbidden" job.delete_instance() shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir) return True, ""