Source code for dgenies.lib.functions

import os
import random
import string
import shutil
import sys
import re
import traceback
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from collections import OrderedDict
from Bio import SeqIO
from jinja2 import Template
from xopen import xopen
from dgenies.config_reader import AppConfigReader
import dgenies.lib.validators as validators

ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {"fasta": ['fa', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa.gz', 'fasta.gz', 'fna.gz'],
                      "idx": ['idx'],
                      "map": [o[0] for o in getmembers(validators) if isfunction(o[1]) and not o[0].startswith("_") and
                              not o[0].startswith("v_")],
                      "backup": ['tar', 'tar.gz']}
# map: all functions of validators which does not starts with an underscore.

[docs]class Functions: """ General functions """ config = AppConfigReader()
[docs] @staticmethod def allowed_file(filename, file_formats=("fasta",)): """ Check whether a file has a valid format :param filename: file path :param file_formats: accepted file formats :return: True if valid format, else False """ for file_format in file_formats: if '.' in filename and \ (filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS[file_format] or ".".join(filename.rsplit('.', 2)[1:]).lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS[file_format]): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def random_string(s_len): """ Generate a random string :param s_len: length of the string to generate :type s_len: int :return: the random string :rtype: str """ return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in range(s_len)])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_valid_uploaded_filename(filename, folder): """ Check whether uploaded file already exists. If yes, rename it :param filename: uploaded file :type filename: str :param folder: folder into save the file :type folder: str :return: unique filename :rtype: str """ file_query_s = os.path.join(folder, filename) i = 2 filename_orig = filename while os.path.exists(file_query_s): filename = str(i) + "_" + filename_orig file_query_s = os.path.join(folder, filename) i += 1 return filename
@staticmethod def __get_do_sort(fasta, is_sorted): """ Check whether query must be sorted (False if already done) :param fasta: fasta file :type fasta: str :param is_sorted: True if it's sorted :type is_sorted: bool :return: do sort :rtype: bool """ do_sort = False if is_sorted: do_sort = True if fasta.endswith(".sorted"): do_sort = False return do_sort
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fasta_file(res_dir, type_f, is_sorted): """ Get fasta file path :param res_dir: job results directory :type res_dir: str :param type_f: type of file (query or target) :type type_f: str :param is_sorted: is fasta sorted :type is_sorted: bool :return: fasta file path :rtype: str """ fasta_file = None try: with open(os.path.join(res_dir, "." + type_f), "r") as save_name: fasta_file = save_name.readline().strip("\n") except IOError: print(res_dir + ": Unable to load saved name for " + type_f, file=sys.stderr) pass if fasta_file is not None and os.path.exists(fasta_file): fasta_file_uc = fasta_file if fasta_file.endswith(".gz"): fasta_file_uc = fasta_file[:-3] if is_sorted: sorted_fasta = fasta_file_uc + ".sorted" if os.path.exists(sorted_fasta): fasta_file = sorted_fasta else: sorted_fasta = fasta_file_uc + ".gz.sorted" if os.path.exists(sorted_fasta): fasta_file = sorted_fasta return fasta_file
[docs] @staticmethod def uncompress(filename): """ Uncompress a gzipped file :param filename: gzipped file :type filename: str :return: path of the uncompressed file :rtype: str """ try: uncompressed = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] parts = uncompressed.rsplit("/", 1) file_path = parts[0] basename = parts[1] n = 2 while os.path.exists(uncompressed): uncompressed = "%s/%d_%s" % (file_path, n, basename) n += 1 with xopen(filename, "rb") as infile, open(uncompressed, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write( return uncompressed except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def compress(filename): """ Compress a file with gzip :param filename: file to compress :type filename: str :return: path of the compressed file :rtype: str """ try: if not filename.endswith(".gz") and not filename.endswith(".gz.sorted"): compressed = filename + ".gz" if not filename.endswith(".sorted") else filename[:-7] + ".gz.sorted" parts = compressed.rsplit("/", 1) file_path = parts[0] basename = parts[1] n = 2 while os.path.exists(compressed): compressed = "%s/%d_%s" % (file_path, n, basename) n += 1 with open(filename, "rb") as infile, xopen(compressed, "wb") as outfile: shutil.copyfileobj(infile, outfile) os.remove(filename) return compressed return filename except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def read_index(index_file): """ Load index of query or target :param index_file: index file path :type index_file: str :return: * [0] index (size of each chromosome) {dict} * [1] sample name {str} :rtype: (dict, str) """ index = OrderedDict() with open(index_file, "r") as index_f: # Sample name without special chars: sample_name = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_\-.]+', '', index_f.readline().strip("\n").replace(" ", "_")) for line in index_f: if line != "": parts = line.strip("\n").split("\t") name = parts[0] lenght = int(parts[1]) to_reverse = parts[2] == "1" if len(parts) >= 3 else False index[name] = { "length": lenght, "to_reverse": to_reverse } return index, sample_name
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mail_for_job(id_job): """ Retrieve associated mail for a job :param id_job: job id :type id_job: int :return: associated mail address :rtype: str """ from dgenies.database import Job with Job.connect(): j1 = Job.get(Job.id_job == id_job) return
[docs] @staticmethod def send_fasta_ready(mailer, job_name, sample_name, compressed=False, path="fasta-query", status="success", ext="fasta"): """ Send link to fasta file when treatment ended :param mailer: mailer object :type mailer: Mailer :param job_name: job id :type job_name: str :param sample_name: sample name :type sample_name: str :param compressed: is a compressed fasta file :type compressed: bool :param path: fasta path :type path: str :param status: treatment status :type status: str :param ext: file extension :type ext: str """ web_url = Functions.config.web_url with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "mail_templates", "dl_fasta.html")) \ as t_file: template = Template( message_html = template.render(job_name=job_name, status=status, url_base=web_url, sample_name=sample_name, compressed=compressed, path=path, ext=ext) message = "D-Genies\n\n" \ "Job %s - Download fasta\n\n" % job_name message += "Query fasta file for job %s (query: %s) is ready to download.\n" % (job_name, sample_name) message += "You can click on the link below to download it:\n\n" message += "%s/fasta-query/%s/%s" % (web_url, job_name, sample_name + ".fasta" + (".gz" if compressed else "")) mailer.send_mail([Functions.get_mail_for_job(job_name)], "Job %s - Download fasta" % job_name, message, message_html)
[docs] @staticmethod def sort_fasta(job_name, fasta_file, index_file, lock_file, compress=False, mailer=None, mode="webserver"): """ Sort fasta file according to the sorted index file :param job_name: job id :type job_name: str :param fasta_file: fasta file path :type fasta_file: str :param index_file: index file path :type index_file: str :param lock_file: lock file path :type lock_file: str :param compress: compress result fasta file :type compress: bool :param mailer: mailer object (to send mail) :type mailer: Mailer :param mode: webserver or standalone :type mode: str """ index, sample_name = Functions.read_index(index_file) is_compressed = fasta_file.endswith(".gz") if is_compressed: fasta_file = Functions.uncompress(fasta_file) fasta_file_o = fasta_file + ".sorted" seq = SeqIO.index(fasta_file, "fasta") with open(fasta_file_o, "w") as fasta_out: for name, props in index.items(): sequence = seq[name] if props["to_reverse"]: s_id = s_name = s_description = sequence.description sequence = sequence.reverse_complement() = s_id = s_name sequence.description = s_description SeqIO.write(sequence, fasta_out, "fasta") seq.close() if is_compressed: os.remove(fasta_file) if compress: Functions.compress(fasta_file_o) os.remove(lock_file) if mode == "webserver" and mailer is not None and not os.path.exists(lock_file + ".pending"): Functions.send_fasta_ready(mailer, job_name, sample_name, compress)
[docs] @staticmethod def compress_and_send_mail(job_name, fasta_file, index_file, lock_file, mailer): """ Compress fasta file and the send mail with its link to the client :param job_name: job id :type job_name: str :param fasta_file: fasta file path :type fasta_file: str :param index_file: index file path :type index_file: str :param lock_file: lock file path :type lock_file: str :param mailer: mailer object (to send mail) :type mailer: Mailer """ Functions.compress(fasta_file) os.remove(lock_file) index, sample_name = Functions.read_index(index_file) Functions.send_fasta_ready(mailer, job_name, sample_name, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_readable_size(size, nb_after_coma=1, base="B"): """ Get human readable size from a given size in bytes :param size: size in bytes :type size: int :param nb_after_coma: number of digits after coma :type nb_after_coma: int :param base: base unit of size, must be either "B", "KiB", "MiB" or "GiB" :type nb_after_coma: str :return: size, human readable :rtype: str """ print(size) units = ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB"] i = units.index(base) while size >= 1024 and i < (len(units)-1): size /= 1024.0 i += 1 return str("%." + str(nb_after_coma) + "f %s") % (size, units[i])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_readable_time(seconds): """ Get human readable time :param seconds: time in seconds :type seconds: int :return: time, human readable :rtype: str """ time_r = "%d s" % seconds if seconds >= 60: minutes = seconds // 60 seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60) time_r = "%d min %d s" % (minutes, seconds) if minutes >= 60: hours = minutes // 60 minutes = minutes - (hours * 60) time_r = "%d h %d min %d s" % (hours, minutes, seconds) return time_r
@staticmethod def _get_jobs_list(): """ Get list of jobs :return: list of valid jobs :rtype: list """ all_jobs = os.listdir(Functions.config.app_data) valid_jobs = [] for job in all_jobs: job_path = os.path.join(Functions.config.app_data, job) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_path, "map.paf")) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_path, "target.idx")) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_path, "query.idx")) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_path, ".valid")): valid_jobs.append(job) return valid_jobs
[docs] @staticmethod def get_list_all_jobs(mode="webserver"): """ Get list of all jobs :param mode: webserver or standalone :type mode: str :return: list of all jobs in standalone mode. Empty list in webserver mode :rtype: list """ if mode == "webserver": return [] # Don't give the list in webserver as it's multi-user all_jobs = Functions._get_jobs_list() if "gallery" in all_jobs: all_jobs.remove("gallery") return sorted(all_jobs, key=lambda x: x.lower())
[docs] @staticmethod def query_fasta_file_exists(res_dir): """ Check if a fasta file exists :param res_dir: job result directory :type res_dir: str :return: True if file exists and is a regular file, else False :rtype: bool """ fasta_file = os.path.join(res_dir, ".query") return os.path.exists(fasta_file) and os.path.isfile(fasta_file)